Community Groups & Organisations

Case Studies – Community Groups & Organisations Here is a brief Case Study highlighting our work with Community Groups & Organisations: Family Support Group A family support group asked us to apply the Questant Process to their work as they wished to...

Early Intervention Organisation I

Case Study – Early Intervention Organisation I An early stage intervention organisation offering respite and support services to families. The service offers non judgemental and approachable, flexible support to families experiencing issues relating to...

Early Intervention Organisation II

Case Study – Early Intervention Organisation II One of the great advantages of The Questant Process is that it can be used to swiftly revisit an organisation to see what differences changes structure and service delivery have made. About 18 months after their first...

Social Enterprises

Case Studies – Social Enterprises The goal of most social enterprises is to stand on their own two feet. To reach that goal, many social enterprises still need funding – to establish themselves or to help them flourish and grow. As with other types of...

Multi-Delivery Organisation working with Children and Young People

Case Study – Multi-Delivery Organisation working with Children and Young People Organisation: The organisation under study was a multi-delivery organisation working with children and young people in the West of Scotland. It has 18 full time staff, 1 part time...

Support Agencies & Other Bodies

Case Studies – Support Agencies and other Bodies Here are two brief Case Studies highlighting our work with support agencies and other similar bodies. Regeneration Agency A Regeneration Agency working in a deprived area wanted to know whether three projects it...